Freedom in the Wild

Being in the wild untouched landscape is synonym of freedom for me


Where my practice begins

I focus on light and space so that my landscape paintings give you a sense of freedom and the energy of a wild place.

The awe I experience in nature is a connection to a part of me that exists in us all, naked animals that we are.

But we forget because we are so busy harnessing nature’s resources.


Travel light

We connect to the best part of ourselves when we spend time in untouched wild places.

Sighting dolphins, eagles, red squirrels or the Monarch of the Glens in their natural habitat always uplifts people and bring smiles to their faces.


Wonder and Beauty

The following quote by conservationist Steward Udall was included in my landscape painting Cherished Conversations II because it resonated with me.

It has a free spirit vibe I connect with.

He was a force behind the establishment of 4 national parks and 56 national wildlife refuges in the US in the 60s. 

“Cherish sunsets, wild creatures and wild places,

Have a love affair with the wonder and beauty of the earth”


The beauty of the ever-changing light, the spirit of a place and awe of the natural world are my constant inspiration. Light and space guide my work so that my paintings give you a sense of freedom and wide open space.

We need the freedom of those wild places more than ever.

Cherished Conversations II is available to buy here with free UK shipping.

Rosie Ames

Rosie Ames is a Squarespace website designer in Devon, England

January Connections


Looking for Blue Sky